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What’s the Hardness of 301 Half Hard?

what’s the hardness of 301 half hard?

The half hard condition of 301stainless steel is achieved by cold rolling. This tempered condition of 301stainless steel is ideal for excellent strength and formability. 301 1/2H is used to make parts that need strength, require considerable drawing or forming, and have a minimum tensile strength of 135,000 psi.

301 half hard is part of the austenitic stainless steel group. Type 301 has four other temper conditions according to the cold rolling process which include 1/4 hard, 3/4 hard, full hard and spring tempered condition. All temper conditions of this grade can be obtained by cold working, not by heat treating. This grade of stainless steel achieved good strength and ductility by cold working.

What is the Rockwell hardness of  301 half hard stainless steel?

The hardness of stainless steel is defined as the property of the material, which indicates resistance to abrasion, scratching, indentation, or even shaping or localized deformation.

Rockwell hardness testing technique is well known and more accurate than other hardness testing systems. This system can be applied to both small and large parts. We can check the hardness of all temper conditions of 301 stainless steel by using the Rockwell hardness method.

The following table shows the Rockwell hardness values for Type 301 stainless steel for each temper condition.

Temper condition of 301Rockwell hardness C HRC
1/4  hard25-32
Half hard32-38
3/4 hard38-44
Full hard44-48
Spring tempered52-56

What is the difference between half hard and dead soft stainless steel?

The dead soft stainless steel is the condition in which we can easily bend, twist and draw into sheets. This type of stainless steel is more flexible, pliable and easiest to bending. Dead soft stainless steel is mostly used in wire manufacturing industries due to its flexibility.

On the other hand, the half-hard stainless steel is not easy to bend and form into a shape like dead soft due to its hardness. Half-hard stainless steel’s tensile and yield strength is more than dead soft. Half Hard stainless steel provides resistance to forming and is difficult to mold into naturally occurring spirals or patterns.

The following table shows the differences in mechanical properties of these two 301 half hard and dead soft conditions.

Mechanical propertiesDead soft  Half hard  
Tensile strength Min  MPa515930
Yield strength 0.2% Min MPa205  510
Elongation Min40%10%
Vickers Hardness HV160-200 HV310-370 HV
Shear strength MPa410730
Fatigue strength MPa210550

The cold rolling of half hard and dead soft stainless steel, in accordance with specifications, usually differentiates between soft and hard materials, making it clear to the seller that both types of materials can be purchased as necessary. Hardness testing can differentiate between half hard and dead soft stainless steel. Soft stainless steel is required if a technique like stretch forming is required and Half hard stainless steel is the best choice if you want more strength and hardness.

301 half hard stainless steel properties

301 stainless steel is a very well-known material due to its outstanding properties. Half hard temper condition has excellent corrosion resistance, welding, drawing and forming properties. This grade of stainless steel is very in demand due to its attractive surface.

Some other useful properties of 301 half hard stainless steel are given in the following tables.

Mechanical properties

Mechanical properties  Half hard 301
Tensile strength MPa  930
Yield strength 0.2%  MPa  510  
Elongation Min.10%
Shear strength MPa730
Fatigue strength MPa550
Poisson’s ratio0.28
Shear modulus GPa77
Elastic Modulus GPa200

Thermal properties

Thermal properties301 Half hard
Latent heat of fusion J/g280
Maximum temperature corrosion °C410
Maximum temperature mechanical °C840
Specific heat capacity J/kg-K480
Thermal conductivity W/m-k16
Thermal Expansion µm/m-K17

Physical properties

physical properties301 Half hard
Density g/cm37.88
Melting range °C1399-1421
Modulus of Elasticity GPa193
Specific gravity8.03

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of 301 half hard stainless steel


Applications of 301 half hard stainless steel

The 301 half hard stainless steel has excellent corrosion resistance, strength and toughness; due to these properties, this grade of stainless steel is used in many applications, including:

Wheel covers, conveyor belts, kitchen appliances, roof drainage systems, truck and trailer bodies, springs railway and subway carriages, hose clamps and molding and trim for automobiles.

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